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Referenca izdelka: 23447652
Wimpern-Trennbürste - Drugo
5,49 €
5,49 €
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Opis Catrice introduces the Eyelash Separator Brush for perfectly fanned-out lashes. Say goodbye to clumps and tangled lashes! This tool effortlessly removes excess mascara, ensuring a clean and separated look. The slightly curved design perfectly complements your eye shape, making it easy to achieve beautifully defined lashes. Elevate your lash game with the Catrice Eyelash Separator Brush. This ingenious tool is a must-have for achieving perfectly fanned-out lashes. Tired of dealing with clumps and tangled lashes? Look no further! Immediately after applying your favorite mascara, use the Eyelash Separator Brush to comb through your lashes delicately. Its expertly designed shape, featuring a subtle curve, ensures a seamless adaptation to the natural contour of your eye. This not only facilitates easy maneuvering but also guarantees that every lash is individually defined.The magic doesn't stop there – this tool is a game-changer in tackling excess mascara. Bid farewell to messy applications as the Eyelash Separator Brush effortlessly removes any build-up, leaving your lashes clean, separated, and ready to steal the spotlight. The handle offers a comfortable grip, making it easy for you to achieve salon-worthy results in the comfort of your own home. Post-application, a simple wipe with a damp cloth is all it takes to keep your Eyelash Separator Brush pristine and ready for the next flawless application.Incorporate the Catrice Eyelash Separator Brush into your beauty routine for a touch of luxury and precision. Transform your lashes into a masterpiece – beautifully separated, defined, and ready to captivate. Unleash the potential of your mascara with this essential tool that ensures your lashes always take center stage.
Referenca izdelka Spartoo 23447652

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